Papers publication

The papers for publication may be written in polish, lithuanian, english, russian, or german (they should include an abstract in the same language + an abstract in English). They will be peer-reviewed, and at least one review will be submitted from the country of the author’s origin (in polish, English, lithuanian, russian, or german). All included ilustrations should be black and white. Format guidelines: Times New Roman, 12pp, up to 14 pages of text (including ilustrations). Authors name, title, afiliation should be stated on the first page before the title. The paper should include key-words and an abstract (up to 10 lines of text). At the end of the paper please include your e-mail, phone number and adress. The papers for publication should be submitted to the Lithuanian Association of Criminalistics via e-mail:;

End of publication papers submission: 15 may 2016.

Please submit your abstracts before 15 april 2016.

Cost of paper publication: 50 EUR