
The 12. International Conference (29-30 sep 2016) fees are:

  • basic: 350 PLN
  • full: 450 PLN

The registration fee should be paid in full up to 30 july 2016.

  • If paid from Poland: account no. 84 1940 1076 3146 6840 0000 0000 (Credit Agricole Bank Polski S.A.),
  • If paid from outside of Poland: accoint no. PL84 1940 1076 3146 6840 0000 0000, SWIFT AGRIPLPR (Credit Agricole Bank Polski S.A.).

Receiver’s name:

CBS PTK sp. z o.o., 01-424 Warszawa, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 155

Please include in the transfer title: [your full name], 12. Konferencja

If paid after 30 july 2016, the basic fee is 450 PLN and the full fee is 550 PLN. Those who register from outside of Poland may pay the registration fee at the site of the conference (the fee is not increased)

The fee includes:  participation in the conference and a certificate of attendance, additional materials from the conference, lunches and coffee breaks, Conference gala dinner (29/09/16), 23% VAT. The basic conference fee does not include the Conference gala dinner.

Optional fees

  • the fee for the conference publication is 50 EUR, to be paid before 15/05/2016, account numer: LT10 7044 0600 0159 7508, SWIFT CBVI LT 2X (BANKAS AB SEB), the transfer title should include your full name and a ’12. International Conference publication fee’ note.
  • Warsaw sightseening with a certified guide: 30 PLN per person, paid on site , please register before 15/09/2016.